GLICZIDE Home Layouts Articles About

As gcomputing goes on, it comes to the zide.

Alright. I'll keep focus on the site project...

I'm really forgot to update this website but thankfully I remembered the FTP password. Hopefully everythings back to normal...

But hey, Atleast There's Revolt, Which is 75% better than discord.. And what's even better is that It's Open-Source!!!

I made my server and 88x31 button out of it: And yes since I'm friendly today, It's free to use (or... It's yours, My friend.)

Revolt Server
Written from My ACER Aspire XC-830
11/05/2022 [1:23 PM]: Polished HTML Code, Russian Translated, 2+ Layouts! [3/3]
10/25/2022 [1:23 PM]: Articles Thumbnails & Smartphone + Basic Support... [2/3]
10/18/2022 [11:03 PM]: Updated the website. Logo changed, Shrinked the Width... [1/3]
9/16/22[7:13 PM]: go back to normal version

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Gliczide"></a>

Gliczide Valid CSS! Valid XHTML 4.01!

gliczide since 2017-2023